Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I felt rough towards the end of the last week and, after promising Sarah that if I did not feel better by Monday that I would see the quack, I duly went to see the doctor yesterday. She said that I had a touch of bronchitis and the flu - and prescribed some antibiotics, as well as signing me of until Wednesday.

I took two pills yesterday lunchtime and it knocked me for six. Ended up cat-napping from 2 to 6pm! Took another two last night after eating and, again, was cream crackered by 9 and so went to bed early.

Still felt fluey this am so did not attempt to go back to work. But it was only after taking another two pills at lunchtime (which sent me to night-night-bye-byes for a couple of hours), that I bothered to read the label. It stated 'take one pill twice a day'!

That will teach me to R.T.F.L in future!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Note to Self: 'Stop Reading - And Get Writing!'

“We've inherited the idea that stew is cheap, nourishing and virtuous. We start with an outsized cauldron, a load of cheap meat and veg and keep adding ingredients until it looks right. Nothing beats that Little House on the Prairie feeling that you've made enough food to feed everyone on the homestead through a cruel winter - nothing except the realisation that there are only two of you, in a suburban semi and that you'd probably rather eat the dog than another bowl of stew.”

I have just spent the past hour reading Tim Hayward articles – and they all contain some brilliant pearls – as demonstrated above.

It just reminds me that I need to get writing myself!