Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Reader, we kept her!

In the end, despite all the wise words and wisdom proffered, we decided to keep young Jaffy.

The logic being .. that there was no logic but that it was hard to turn away a cute, furry thang - especially one with a long tail (which is quite a rare thing in Singapore) and one that likes company. And, which I discovered the other day, is not impartial to the odd basil and tomato sausage and certainly has never said no to any pan-fried salmon. Besides, it's nice to have a fellow meat/fish eater in the house - even though she does have more legs than me and gets away with hogging the bed more than I'd ever be allowed to!

Anyway, will place some pix of Jaffy here soon. Along with some of 'Before Jaffy, After Jaffy' pictures of our furniture, the flat, etc

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