Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Sarah's birthday is only a few hours away and, yet again, I have left everything to the last minute to try and find her a pressie or two. Thought that I had cracked when I came up with the idea of an iPhoto. However, after visiting Apple's so-called 'flagship store' at Wheelock Place (Orchard Rd) last night, the service was so bad that I left empty-handed.

[Basically the place was packed, music blaring and the staff knew sweet fa about their products. Reminscent of any sports shop. Or maybe it's just me showing my age!]

Which was a result, as after mentioning the iPhoto to Sarah this morning, we both agreed that it was quite expensive for something that is really just a storage device for pix. And who really wants to lug around all their pix in something that can be mislaid so easily?

And although you can plug it into a TV set and show everyone your pix, how often would that really happen?

Anyway, suffice to say, I will be spending my lunch-time searching for something else.

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